1. Navigate to People > People List from the left side navigation menu.
2. Click Add People
Complete Profile Section
3. First Name- enter new person’s first name.
4. Last Name– enter new person’s last name.
5.Middle Name– enter new person’s middle name. Note: This entry is optional.
6.Employee Number- enter the number assigned to this person. Note: A sequential numeric value is
automatically populated in this field. Leave this value or change it to a previously assigned unique value.
7.Hire Date– enter the hire date.
8.Phone Number– enter the 10-digit mobile phone number for the new person.
9. Email Address– enter the full email address for the new person.
Employment details
11.Role– click in the circle beside which role this new person will occupy; Manager, Employee or Admin
based on the accompanying description.
12. What job(s) did they perform?- Select the job(s) this person may perform from the drop down
13. Where do they work?- Select the location(s) this person may punch into.
14. Which department(s) are they in?- Select the department(s) this person is a member of. Note:
This is optional.
15.Time off- Note: This entry is in development.
Enter Pay Information
16. Daily Overtime Threshold- Enter the overtime threshold for the day. After these hours are
exceeded, overtime rules will apply.
17. Double-time Threshold-Enter the double-time threshold for the day. After these hours ae
exceeded, overtime rules will apply.
18. Weekly Overtime Threshold-Enter the weekly overtime threshold. After these hours are exceeded,
overtime rules will apply.
Save Changes
22. Confirm – Click Confirm to save changes.
24. Cancel– Clicking Cancel will void the data just entered and no new person will be added at this time.
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