Welcome to the Timecard Editing Guide for Administrators. This guide is designed to provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions on how to accurately and efficiently modify employee time sheets. By following these directions, you will ensure that payroll processes run smoothly and that all employee records are kept up-to-date.
If the Timesheets have not yet been approved, start here.
If they have already been approved, scroll down.
1. Navigate to Timesheets and click run new report.
2. Select the date rage you need to work with n and then click run report.
3. Click the caret to the right of the employee name you are planning to edit, then click view on the day that needs correction.
4. In the employee Shift details page, you will see their clock in / out, job, location and notes. Any of this can be edited. Just click in the box that you wish to edit and make the necessary corrections. If it is an in or out shift, you will just navigate the calendar and clock. Then save.
5. Once edited, the status will indicate that their has been an edit. And by clicking the caret to the right of view, you can see the audit trail.
6. The audit trail will show you who made the change and details about what was edited.
If the Timesheets have already been approved.
1. Click view to the right of the approved timesheet.
2. To edit it, the timesheet needs to be unapproved. Place a check mark by the time sheet you want to edit and then select Unapprove timesheet
3. Navigate to Time sheets and click run new report.
4. Select the date rage you need to work with n and then click run report.
5. Click the caret to the right of the employee name you are planning to edit, then click view on the day that needs correction.
6. In the employee Shift details page, you will see their clock in / out, job, location and notes. Any of this can be edited. Just click in the box that you wish to edit and make the necessary corrections. If it is an in or out shift, you will just navigate the calendar and clock. Then save.
7. Once edited, the status will indicate that their has been an edit. And by clicking the caret to the right of view, you can see the audit trail.
8. The audit trail will show you who made the change and details about what was edited.
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