Here are the instructions to set up Autopunch and have it enabled for all of the locations that your staff might need to go to during their busy days.
First, you'll want to enable 'Scheduled' Autopunch.
Click on Settings in your Timesheet Mobile Admin, on the lower left of your screen.
In Settings along the top, click on Punch Settings
Once you're in Punch Settings, scroll down. You can customize several items here.
Scroll down to Geofence Autopunch, and set it to Scheduled.
Now, if anyone is scheduled to be at an approved job site, they'll be automatically punched in and out. Job sites are just places. You can assign a job site as your local lumber store, tile store, plumbing supply store, or an actual worksite where they are physically fixing, cleaning, or improving something.
If you haven't set up your Job Sites, see this page:
If you haven't set up Customer Assignments, see this page:
Once you have these items set up, you can create shifts.
Click on Scheduling on the left side of your screen.
On the Scheduling page, go to the top right. Click on Add, then on Add Shift.
Once that dialogue box opens, you can set your shift to start at a given time and run for as long as you want. Once you have the times set up, click on the Customer(s) field. Add whichever places these employees might go to during their workday
A Customer is each of your geofenced job sites. You can add multiple customers to one shift. So, in the example above "1947 Address" might be an address where work is being done, and Acme could be the name of your local hardware store or shopping complex with multiple suppliers. Click each place where these workers might be during the day.
You can then assign employees or workgroups to shifts here.
Then, once you've selected each employee, click Add in the bottom right corner.
Whenever your employees enter one of the job sites during a scheduled shift, they should be Autopunched in and out. If you have travel time set up, the system can also look at their driving times between each site.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
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