Timesheet Mobile supports several methods of assigning sites and tasks to workers. Using site and task assignments controls which sites and tasks workers can view and select when starting work. The assignments list is also used to limit which sites or tasks that managers and administrators can select for the employee while adding scheduled shifts. Reducing the list of sites and tasks that workers have to choose from helps to minimize confusion and timesheet errors. Keep in mind your account names for workers, sites and tasks may differ from the defaults used in this document.
Assigning Sites
By default, all sites and all tasks are available to all workers. To customize which sites workers will see and be able to work on go to 1 Settings > 2 Account Settings > 3 Scroll to Advanced and find the "Worker assignments setting" as shown below:
All Sites (Default)
If you want your workers to be able to view and select ALL active Sites and tasks when starting work, select the "All Sites" option. Any site or task that has been added to your account and that is active will be visible to the worker and able to be selected when starting work on their smartphone app or on the web. All sites will be available from the manager punch, kiosk, and when creating schedule shifts for the workers.
Custom Assigned Sites List
If you wish to customize the sites that workers can view and select when starting work, select the "Custom assigned Sites list" option. When switching to this option you will be asked whether you want to clear any existing site assignments. Once set, this option will active a new menu tab "Site Assignments" where the sites assigned to workers can be customized.
New tabs are also created in the worker and site control panels to adjust the site assignments for one worker or one site at a time. To modify assignments from the main assignments page simply 1 Expand workgroup > 2 Click on worker name > 3 Check/Un-check sites to assign > Click Submit to apply changes as shown below:
Power Tip: To apply changes to an entire workgroup simply click on the workgroup name instead of expanding it as shown below (note you should see the workgroup name and not an employee name):
Modifying which sites are assigned or not is as easy as 1 Checking/Un-checking Sites and 2 Clicking Submit to apply changes as shown below worker and site control panel views:
Assign by Qualification(s)
In this assignment mode, specific qualifications and a match between worker and site qualifications are used to automatically create assignments. When this assignment method is selected, a new menu item, Lists > Qualifications is accessible as shown below:
See below for some examples of Qualifications. A worker is assigned to any site or task that they are qualified for. Workers must have ALL of the qualifications for the site in order to be able to select it and log work time for that site. Workers may have more qualifications than required for the site but must have a full match for all site qualifications.
Some examples should help explain how you can use qualification based assignments to help automate your process. First, let's start out with a specific site in the Timesheet Mobile demo account: Commercial Plaza. Qualifications can be added to a site by editing or using the control panel as shown below. In this example work at Commercial Plaza requires "Day Work" and "General Work" qualifications.
By editing or using the worker control panel, Commercial Plaza will be assigned to each worker with BOTH "Day Work" and "General Work" qualifications. Workers may have more qualifications than required by must have ALL qualifications associated with the site or task in order to be assigned to that site or task and be able to select it while punching in. See below for worker Marie Smith having the necessary qualifications and John Doe missing one necessary to be assigned:
Site and task assignments are automatically updated as qualifications are added/removed meaning John Doe will not be able to see or select Commercial Plaza when punching in but Marie Smith will. The automatic updates based on qualifications makes this method of creating assignments simple, intuitive, and powerful.
Assigning Tasks
In addition to how sites are assigned to workers, the process of assigning tasks can also be customized. By default, tasks are assigned to individual workers and will follow the settings for site assignments as described above. In this way, workers can be assigned all tasks, custom task list or tasks assigned by qualifications as detailed for sites above.
Assigning Tasks by Site
Optionally, tasks can be based on and assigned to only specific sites. To select this option go to 1 Settings > 2 Account Settings > 3 Advanced > 4 Site based Task and select "Yes" as shown below:
With this option, tasks are assigned only to specific sites and not to specific workers. This allows certain tasks to be associated to certain sites for ALL workers assigned to those sites. When this option is selected, a new menu item Assignments > Assign Site Task is available:
Follow the same procedure to assign tasks to sites from this menu by 1 Selecting the site > 2 Modifying tasks assigned to that site > 3 Clicking submit as shown below:
Tasks can also be assigned from the site control panel assignments tab as shown below:
Powerful Time Reporting
Used in conjunction with task reporting (Task Time Reporting) the ability to customize the task list available for selection by your workers can help you get control of your business labor costs. Leveraging additional site cost reporting (Site Cost Reporting) can take your business to the next level of competitive advantage.
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