You can create a Workgroup and assign Workers and a manager to the workgroup. This allows a manager to review and edit timesheets for members of their workgroup and receive alerts. To get started, you need to have Enable Workgroups set to "Yes" in the Account settings – Advanced Section
1. To add a workgroup, from the Main Menu, click on Lists, then Workgroups. Click on Add Workgroup as shown below.
2. To assign a workgroup to a worker, edit the worker's record. If a manager, select "Yes" and include an email address. They will receive a username and password allowing them login access to their workgroup. (Reference Using Manager Permissions for more information.) Select the workgroup they are being assigned to.
3. To modify a workgroup, open the Workgroup control panel. Not only can you see the members of the workgroup, but also from here you can: assign workgroup members to Sites, assign workgroup members to Tasks, punch in or out the entire workgroup, or modify the workgroup's punch settings.
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