According to one source (*) there are upwards of 24,000 different types of Android devices out in the world. Since each provider of Android and each mobile carrier can customize the interfaces it is impossible for anyone app provider to keep up with all the various ways users can change settings important to apps like Timesheet Mobile.
Two of the most frequent questions we receive are how to check location services settings - critical to Punch Prompt and Geo-Fence alerts and restrictions. Regarding locations, here are links to two articles describing how to do this generally on any Android phone and for any app installed on an Android phone (keep in mind this may differ on your worker's phones):
Turn location on or off for your Android device
Manage location settings for Android apps
Finally, many Android devices offer a service that will back up app data. The intention of this service is to allow users to delete apps and then restore the data settings. Unfortunately, this does not clear the data necessary for a clean re-installation and new registration of the Timesheet Mobile app. If the app is installed on a phone and requires a re-installation and backup services are running, you will need to clear the app data in order to successfully register the app again. Here is a link you can use to do that if the registration process fails:
We hope these tips will help you manage Timesheet Mobile in your application. As always, please contact Timesheet Mobile support if you have any further questions.
* - See There-are-now-more-than-24000-different-android-devices/
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