Recent changes included in iOS 13 change how Apple notifies workers who have installed the Timesheet Mobile smartphone app on their iPhone. An alert is displayed several days after the initial install and is displayed periodically to notify workers that the Timesheet Mobile app has been using location services and also provides them with the opportunity to change their location services options. This alert is not something Timesheet Mobile can disable and may raise some questions and potentially impact the performance of the app as described below.
First, here is the alert that is presented to iPhone iOS 13 users:
Although this alert gives users the option of changing the options for their location services, the Timesheet Mobile app requires "Always Allow" if the Punch Settings for Punch Prompt or Geofence Autopunch are enabled. The app will prompt workers who have disabled location services or selected "Only While Using" to change the mode back to "Always Allow" if these settings are enabled. A common concern from workers is that choosing this mode will drain battery but the app typically uses less than common apps such as mail, music and social media apps. Here is how workers can verify that the app is not draining their battery: Battery-Consumption-Concerns .
The alert also displays all locations that the Timesheet Mobile app has used recently. It is important to note that some of the locations displayed are not locations that were captured or transmitted to the company server but were a result of locations captured and used internal to the phone when the worker is changing locations and geofence lists are being updated. Timesheet Mobile only captures and displays worker locations when they punch in/out as per our privacy policy which can be viewed here.
We hope that this article will help you address any of your workers questions and concerns. If you have additional questions please contact Timesheet Mobile Customer Support for more information.
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