The Timesheet Mobile smartphone app for Android and iPhone works whether an worker is connected to data (i.e. the internet) or not. In cases where the app cannot reach the server due to lack of data connectivity a local copy of the action, any notes, images, signatures, completed checklist items etc. are stored on the phone to be uploaded when the Worker connects to data. The app will automatically sync these logs when a data connection (cellular 3G/LTE or WiFi) exists or the Worker can manually sync the app by clicking the sync arrows in the upper right hand corner of the app.
In some cases, Workers disable cellular data access for the Timesheet Mobile app. While we do not recommend this, there is no way for a third party app supplier to prevent this from happening. In these cases, the worker logs will only be uploaded to the server if the worker permits the app access to cellular data or connects to a WiFi network. Workers who you suspect are disabling cellular data (you will know if you don't see their logs and they tell you they are logging in) should be instructed to allow access to cellular data or connect to a WiFi network and open/sync the app as frequently as you wish to receive their logs but in no case less than once per day. Administrators and managers should ensure that workers have synced their apps before adding any manual punch in/out as these will cause conflicts with offline logs.
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