Timesheet Mobile makes the job of creating, managing and publishing work schedules as easy as a few clicks. Schedules can be added from multiple locations based on your work flow (see How to create work schedules).
Schedule settings can be accessed from the Settings selection on the side menu or by clicking on the icon in the upper right hand corner as shown below:
There are a number of settings available to customize Timesheet Mobile scheduling to the specific needs of different applications. The available schedule options are as follows:
- Default Shift Length for Event Drag/Drop. Use this value to set the default shift length used when creating new shifts or dragging/dropping in the master calendar on the Scheduling page.
- Publish Schedule. Select Immediate to have employees notified as soon as any new shift is added/deleted or an existing shift is modified. Select Manual to work on schedule updates without notifying employees. Click Publish when the schedule is ready for employees.
- Default Punch In/Out Reminder. Set this to On to send a punch prompt reminder for Start and End time of a shift that is scheduled for an employee.
- Send Notifications for Schedule Changes. Select Yes to have employees notified with push notification as soon as any new schedule event is added or an existing scheduled event is modified.
- Schedules day start time. Set the schedule start time to either Work Week Start Time or Current Time.
- Work Day Timings. Set the default time for the start of the work day.
- Work week. Set the days of the work week.
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