Timesheet Mobile is deployed with a set of public holidays that are country specific and apply to all workers - the global option. This list cannot be modified. Additional holidays can be scheduled though, using the "Add Holiday" popup. Alternatively, the per worker option can be set, and then, holidays can be scheduled on a per worker basis. This is useful when an organization has workers that span states or countries with different holidays.
Scheduling Global Holidays
Holidays can be scheduled like other shifts, and the option is found on the scheduling page, under the "Add" button in the top right-hand corner. By clicking on the drop down option, "Add Public Holidays", existing holidays can be viewed and new ones scheduled.
The list of public holidays that come standard with your version of Timesheet Mobile can be seen in this list.
The list of holidays cannot be modified, but more holidays can be scheduled from this popup, using the "Add More" button, as seen below.
After clicking, "Add More", a new line at the bottom of the list will allow you to name the new holiday and set its date and whether it is paid or not.
If this is a paid holiday, check the "Paid?" checkbox. Once that is checked, the hours and payroll type, which should be set to "Holiday", can be entered. If it is a whole day holiday, which most are, then enter the hours of a normal working day, for example 8. After clicking "Submit", the global list of employees will get this holiday added to the calendar as a "PTO Holiday" shift.
Note: after a new holiday shift has been created, the new holiday will not show in the list because the original list is static.
Scheduling Per Worker Holidays
To switch from the standard "Global" option to the "Per Worker" setting, go to Settings->Schedule Settings and set "Public Holiday" to "Per Worker".
Holidays can now be scheduled from the worker details panel on a per worker.
If there is a group of employees that all share the same holidays, then they can be scheduled together as a group using the batch update mechanism. Simply, click on each employee in the employee list who share the same holidays, then click on the blue "Update" button. From the drop down list, select "Paid Holiday" and the list of holidays is there to schedule.
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