Timesheet Mobile allows users to run the work report of an active worker within a specific date range and with an active site. Here are the parameters for a report:
1. Worker/Workgroup: Select a single (or) Multiple active Workers/Workgroups to whom you want to run a report for a pay period/custom date range. The timesheet report will show "All Workers/All Workgroups" as a default value if any Worker/workgroup is not selected.
2. Site: Select a single (or) multiple active sites respective to the selected workers to run the work report
3. Report By option: Timesheet Mobile provides 3 types of reports for users. Users can choose any one of the following three:
- By Worker – this report contains a Worker’s details: name, user id, job details, task details, workgroups, punch in/out details, working hours (Regular & Overtime), paid times, payrolls, phone numbers, mileage, and checklists.
- By Site – this report contains details about specific Sites: name, user id, worker details, task details, workgroups, punch in/out details, working hours (Regular & Overtime), payrolls, phone numbers, and mileage.
- By Task – this report contains details about specific tasks: worker name, user id, job details, task details, workgroups, punch in/out details, working hours (Regular & Overtime), payrolls, phone numbers, and mileage.
4. Date Range: Timesheet Mobile allows the user to choose the custom date range by using “From date” and “To date” instead of a particular pay period date range. By using the From date and To date users can run reports up to a one-year date range. The predefined date range depending on the selected pay period. It contains the current day, previous day, current week, and previous week as default options and remaining options will appear depending on the selection of pay period.
5. Include Approved Reports: Users can also view the approved and unapproved timesheets on the reports page by selecting this option.
6. Report options: This option includes the ability to use various settings while running a report without going to report settings. It includes some important settings like Rounding time, Pay period, etc.
Click on “Run Report” to run the timesheet report once your selections have been completed.
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